Hello and thank you for visiting my blog!

Assuming that you are yet to read the “About” section; I am Matt and I am completely new to this! And when I say new, what I really mean is that I have had this blog since August 2018 and have tried my absolute best to avoid posting anything. But now, after reading a thousand and one articles about how to write your first blog post and spending a few too many hours deciding which colour scheme I like best, I have reached the point of no return as I take my first few steps into the world of blogging!

first blog post
A picture of me not starting my blog…

Why have I started the blog?

There are several reasons why I started this Matt’s Next Steps.

The main one was that, on leaving university, I went through a phase where my life felt a bit monotonous and lacked progression – I needed to keep my brain active and focussed on something – I needed a creative stimulus.

The post-uni era also led me to find myself in a lot of new scenarios that I hadn’t faced before. Therefore, coupling these two together seemed like the ultimate solution – I have a creative outlet where I can express myself and be honest, as well as share my thoughts with lovely people like you! Not to mention that I also love a challenge, and the idea of creating something of my own from scratch and building it up did sound appealing.

What am I aiming to achieve?

My aim for this blog is for it to have a positive impact. It doesn’t matter how big or small that impact is; I would be thrilled if I knew that I had helped convince someone to go on their next big adventure, or made just one person somewhere in the world smile, or helped add another step forward for the world in talking about mental health issues, or even just proved to my old English teacher that I can actually string a sentence together!

What should you expect from me?

First of all, please don’t have high expectations – I don’t deal with pressure very well! However, what you might expect to read on this blog are:

  • Travel
  • Environmental and social issues
  • Health and wellbeing
  • Lifestyle
    • University
    • Leaving University
    • Jobs
  • Blogging experiences and tips
  • Photography
  • Any other current issues

I’ve read in several places that you should choose your niche and not be too broad with your blog. But how was I meant to narrow down “life”? Therefore, I have chosen a few important topics which, I’m sure when I return to this in several years, will have changed. However, that can be something we can look back at and laugh about in the future. But for now, thank you for joining me on my first step into blogging.

– Matt

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